To run our sudoku solver, first download our source code and test cases.
We adapted our code to AWS t2.2xlarge instances with Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS. To set up an AWS cluster with OpenMP and MPI configured, we followed the guides provided by CS205: OpenMP and MPI. After the setup, you should have:
on the master node and shared it with all other nodesmpich
In addition, as we use makefile to compile our code, you need to install build-essential
To nail this down, run the following command line on the master node:
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential
Upload our source code and test cases to the master node. You may use the following command lines:
$ scp -i [ssh key] <parent directory>/src/* mpiuser@<master node public IP>:~/cloud/src
$ scp -i [ssh key] <parent directory>/test_cases/* mpiuser@<master node public IP>:~/cloud/test_cases
Connect to your master node on AWS, log in as mpiuser
and change directory to cloud/src
You can build the program with a command:
$ make
This creates an executable named run
. To execute the serial version of our Sudoku solver, the command line with full parameter list is:
$ ./run [size] [input] [output] [mode] [number of 1st bootstrap] [number of 2nd bootstrap] [shuffle] [seed]
: (int) the size of the sudoku board, defaults 16input
: (string) the path to the problem input, defaults ../test_cases/test16_1min.sdk
: (string) the path to the solution output, defaults ./solutions.txt
: (int) the mode to run, defaults 0. Options are
number of 1st bootstrap
: (int) the first bootstrapping number for the parallel version, is ignored when mode <= 0
, defaults 512number of 2nd bootstrap
: (int) the second bootstrapping number for the parallel version, is ignored when mode <= 1
, defaults 512shuffle
: (bool) whether to shuffle the bootstrapping result at MPI level, is ignored when mode <= 1
, defaults 0seed
: (int) the seed to randomize the above shuffling process, is ignored when mode <= 1
, defaults 0In addition, if you want to tune the number of threads for the OpenMP version, you can specify it as an environment variable:
$ export OMP_NUM_THREADS=<the number of threads you want>
and in order to enable MPI functionalities, you have to use the mpirun
keyword when executing run
$ mpirun -np [number of processes] -hosts [list of hostnames] ./run [list of parameters]
Serial version
OpenMP version
Static MPI + OpenMP (no shuffling)
Static MPI + OpenMP (shuffling)
Dynamic MPI + OpenMP (no shuffling)
Dynamic MPI + OpenMP (shuffling)
All the test cases are
under the test_cases
directory in our Github Repository.
: a 16 * 16 sudoku problem, took 1 min to solve in serial version
: a 16 * 16 sudoku problem, took 5 min to solve in serial version
: a 16 * 16 sudoku problem, took 15 min to solve in serial version
: a 25 * 25 sudoku problem, took 5 min to solve in serial version
: a 25 * 25 sudoku problem, took 15 min to solve in serial version
: a 25 * 25 sudoku problem, took 28 min to solve in serial version